Tuesday, January 27, 2009

presidential quote

I came across this quote from President Barack Obama:

"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress."

I feel like I may have found the right path... I'll keep walking to find out.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Running the Sahara

There are moments in our lives when we bear witness to an unbelievable event or meet someone who is an incredible inspiration to others. I had the fortune of experiencing both last week. The person is Charlie Engle and he, along with two other running mates, embarked on a 111-day, 4000-mile run across the Sahara Desert, a feat never before tried. A documentary was created with the efforts of Matt Damon, entitled "Running the Sahara."

Last week Charlie was in Southern California visiting friends and thus I had the pleasure to meet him, learn a little more about him and bear witness to a small, private screening of "Running the Sahara." It is an amazing documentary that displays the will and courage of the human spirit, not only amongst the runners, but of the people in Africa as well. The clean water initiative, H2O Africa was also formed as part of the Running the Sahara expedition and film project. So many lives have been impacted by the cooperative work of the runners and the people behind the film project, including Matt Damon.

There are moments in our lives in which we can't explain the way in which our hearts are touched by what we have borne witness to. Watching the film, listening to Charlie speak and hearing about the H2O Africa project were all experiences I was happy to have been a part of. I hope that in sharing this some of you will feel humbled, inspired and/or fortunate as well to witness how remarkable the human race can be when we tap into the depths of our hearts and reach out to others. May you too feel inspired to reach out to others in ways that work for you.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

take flight

There are times when you're out shooting that your patience is tested as you wait for the exact moment to capture what you've envisioned in your mind. Then, there are other times when something catches your attention and instantly a beautiful image has been created right before your eyes. The latter occurred when I was in Encinitas last Sunday, walking along the beach. It was a beautiful day and as is typical, birds were basking in the sun and scampering along in the waves. I happened to catch this seagull taking flight and it turned into an amazing series of images. I just love photography!

Photos (c) Jennifer L Moudy

Friday, January 9, 2009

rays of sunshine

It truly is amazing how life can present us with amazing blessings when least expected; how life can warm our lives with rays of sunshine during our darkest, dreariest moments. This year is finally looking up for me and I have to believe it's because I've hung on even when my grip was softening, and tried to tell myself numerous times that it's in the struggling that I'll somehow grow and be rewarded in the end.

It looks like I may finally have myself a full-time job after 1.5 years of searching. This comes about when I feel like I've hit one of my lowest points and am trying to bounce back. It also looks like I'll also have the opportunity to display a few pieces of my photographic work at my potential workplace. Oh, and I'm going back to school with classes starting next week. Yes, I am being blessed with great, new changes.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

a year in review... through photos

A new year has arrived, leaving behind a difficult one for many. It wasn't one of my best years to say the least, but in taking a few moments to reflect on what I am thankful for, I was able to put together some beautiful images of the past tumultuous year.

I hiked up Mt. Baldy in January to stay overnight in the Sierra Club's cabin. I toured our nation's amazing capital while on vacation. I visited a dear friend in Tennessee, a new state visited. I played at the magical kingdom with my Little Sister, which was quite a treat for all. I stood in admiration above the Grand Canyon, truly one of nature's many miracles. Words and pictures cannot capture the awe and mystery of this magnificent place. I paused to watch the sun set over Catalina Island. I spent time with my parents in serene New Mexico, and met the new family dog.

Though the path was difficult last year, there were some amazing stops along the way that added beauty to the mix of difficulties. I hope that this new year holds many new blessings for everyone.

Photos (c) Jennifer L Moudy