Thursday, December 25, 2008

a random thought...

Thought of this two days ago while driving in the car...

The goodness that lies within your heart determines how beautiful you are as a person.

Friday, December 19, 2008

creative spark

My latest discovery is Spark OC, an amazing goodie bag filled with delectable treats for art lovers and artists alike. I'm already hooked! Today was my first visit to the web site and I discovered two free photography venues that I was completely unaware of and a cool place to check out in San Clemente. It's the perfect addition to your bag of resources for things to do and see in Orange County. Enjoy!

Monday, December 15, 2008

oneword... belong

Are you a lover of the written word? If so, you must check out It's a great site for getting your creative juices flowing. Upon hitting the "go" button one word is displayed at the top of the screen and the race for 60 seconds of free-flowing writing begins. Don't think. Just type.

The following is what I came up with on Saturday, December 13th...

oneword: belong

my heart belongs to you
eternal as the sunshine
my love forever a bloom
in your secret garden

Hmmm. Sounds like the makings of an interesting poem. Or is it already complete?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Man's Best Friend

This past Sunday I volunteered at the Home for the Holidays pet adoption event at the Irvine Animal Care Center. Several times I had tears in my eyes as I saw hundreds of homeless animals yearning for someone to take them home.

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to photograph this amazing event and meet so many compassionate people. I spoke to a couple who had their beautiful tan female pit bull with them. Two months earlier the original owners had abandoned her at a park as they could no longer breed her due to complications she had during the birth of her litter. This loving couple took her in and she is just full of so much love.

I also spoke to a man who worked for one of the numerous rescue organizations that participated in the event regarding another gorgeous female pit bull for adoption. He told me that they had been working with her for two years to find a home. She had been rescued from a puppy mill that just constantly bred her. And after all of that she had nothing but licks and love to give.

These are just two of the hundreds of sad stories that exist where the suffering of animals is concerned. I wholeheartedly encourage anyone looking for a cuddly addition to the family to consider adopting an animal from a shelter. It's one of life's greatest rewards.

A couple of quick facts:

Every 1 in 4 shelter dogs is a pure bred.
Only 1 in 12 cats is adopted into a home.

Photos (c) Jennifer L Moudy
(All were taken at the Irvine Animal Care Center)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Home for the Holidays

Are you looking for a cuddle buddy to keep you warm during the chilly evenings? A warm, fuzzy companion to snuggle in your lap? If you live in the Irvine, California area come check out this weekend's Home for the Holidays pet adoption event.

When: Sunday, December 7, 2008
Where: Irvine Animal Care Center
6443 Oak Canyon Road
Irvine, CA
Phone: (949) 724-7740

Visit the link above for the fully-detailed flyer and feel free to print some and pass them out to spread the word. There are so many homeless dogs, cats and rabbits who are in need of a good home.

Oh yeah. Admission is FREE and there will be a silent auction, food and Santa Claus!

Photo (c) Jennifer L Moudy
(That's Rascal, one of my two cats)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The happiest place on earth...

I've been a Big Sister for 1.5 years now and it has been one of the best things I've ever decided to do. To be a positive influence in the life of a young adult is a great feeling and my Little Sister helps me to enjoy the little things in life as if I were a kid again.

This past Saturday Francisco and I took Ericka to Disneyland. At 15, it was her first visit to the magical kingdom. To be a witness to her excitement and fun for the day was worth it. Besides, who doesn't have fun at Disneyland.

If you are looking for additional fulfillment in your life then becoming a part of Big Brothers Big Sisters is definitely the way to go. I encourage you to check them out and consider becoming a part of this wonderful program and the life of a child or young adult. There are many kids in need of a positive role model in their lives.

Photos (c) Jennifer L Moudy

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Who uses the phone book anyway?

Ever wonder how to stop the unsolicited phone books from arriving at your door? I actually have the answer for you. Visit to enter your name, physical address and email to to be removed from the mailing list. This is a grassroots organization looking to help save you from the burden of what to do with the antiquated books and save the planet from the nonsense of printing them.

Please sign up today!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Inspirational Journey

This is my first attempt at blogging and I must say, I'm having a little stage fright as I'm not quite sure of what the content of my entries will be. However, my hope in starting this blog is to inspire you. If you go out and try something new, become more creative in your own aspirations or take action in those areas of your life that you are passionate about, then I will be happy to have given this a shot. As I enjoy being inspired, I hope to inspire some of you.

I thank you for sharing in this new journey with me and hope you find it to be an inspirational one.