Thursday, January 21, 2010

Penney Wedding

It's been a while since I took these photos, but in updating my website I came to the realization that I've never shared any of them. They've just been sitting on my flash drive, unseen by others. Here are a couple of my favorites from the beautiful evening.

Photos (c) Jennifer L Moudy

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I'm currently reading Jane Goodall's "Reason for Hope" and am enjoying it. As a lover of photography and the wonders of nature, I find incredible the journey she experienced as she researched chimpanzees. I came across something I was reading last night that is worth sharing.

"Words can enhance experience, but they can also take so much away... Once we have labeled the things around us we do not bother to look at them so carefully. Words are part of our rational selves, and to abandon them for a while is to give freer reign to our intuitive selves."

When was the last time you just basked in the beauty of your surroundings? How about your last moment that left you speechless? What about an experience that you just couldn't attach words to?

In this new year, let's make more time for moments like these.